Once Upon a Night in the Marina

Wharfinger Yarns ……number Two

Part Two

It must’ve been around midnight. I’d finished my coffee and was looking over the East Marine Supply catalog (looking’ at all the fancy boat stuff). When I thought I heard what sounded like, well, kinda like music. It also sounded a lot like that dove that wakes me up some mornings. A soft little sound. Then I remembered that sound. I’d heard something like it before. It was the sound my own babies made when they were waking’ up. Just to let my ex and I know that they were there. I knew that sound! Like a flash I pulled the hatch boards away and poked my head out of the cabin. There it was again. That soft, bubbly, “mewing” sound of a baby. A BABY, I’ll be damned! A Baby! Then it hit me! The KIDS who arrived a few hours ago. Could it be? For a minute I couldn’t remember where he had tied up the boat. And then I saw it! He must have forgot to turn it off when he came in…! He’d turned off all his Nav lights but had left the ANCHOR LIGHT on! There it was shining above their boat! The only light in the marina. As bright as it could be.

I made my way over to the boat. As I got close the young man came out of the cabin. “It’s a boy” He beamed. “Born just a few minutes ago. He just decided it was time to join us, and he did. “

There was a happy brand new father standing on the docks in front of me. We both just smiled at each other. “You wouldn’t have an old blanket or sheets would you? It’s so cold I think he needs a little more clothing” He said. I went to my boat and pulled out a couple old Sweat Shirts I’d just washed. As I was about to give them to him he said… “Would you like to see him?” “Ahhh, I don’t want either the mom or him to be out here in the cold.” I quickly answered. Then I heard that sweet lady’s voice come from down below. “Please come and see him. I want you to. You’ve been so kind to us”

I quietly went aboard. There was this tiny bundle in that girl’s arms. I handed the old sweat shirts over to her. “They’re fresh clean from the laundry” I whispered. Well, I tell you it’s been a long time that I felt so proud. That lady wrapped those ragged shirts around that little boy snug as could be. There he was all bundled up in shirts that had the words “1987 America’s Cup” printed on them. I swear that little tike smiled at me!

After a few minutes I left the baby with his mom and dad. I stood out on the dock and took a deep breath. This was going to be a story that my old buddies wouldn’t believe. Then I heard the clank and bang of the regular Dumpster Divers that come around about this time. They go through all the garbage cans looking for stuff that might sell. Bottles and cans traded in to give them a few pennies. Damn! They’ll make noise and wake the baby up. I thought. I’d better go up the ramp and tell them to quiet down..

I found two of them banging around in the trash. Then I made a BIG mistake. I told them to keep quiet because a BABY… had just been born down there on one of the boats. Well, You CAN’T say anything like that on the docks down here. News spreads pretty fast. Those Dumpster guys couldn’t wait to tell everyone who was awake around here in the neighborhood.

First it was a bunch from the office of “Shepherd’s Security Corp”. These guys are on watch 24-7 and nothing gets by them. Their office is a few blocks away and the Trash collectors had told them first thing. So some of the Shepherd’s watchmen just HAD to come over. And you know what? That sweet new mom wanted them ALL to come look at the baby! I know she was tired but she was awful nice to let them see the little boy. One by one every person in the neighborhood had to come and gush over the baby. Even one of the local street Hookers came by, a gal named Angel, she gushed. “I just adore him”. And that sweet mom let her HOLD the baby!

The night was just about over and I was starting to get mad. All these people coming by and those kids hadn’t got a wink of sleep. It was like they were just happy to see everyone. But I didn’t think it was right. I was just about to put my foot down when a big car drove into the parking lot and some old guys got out and came walking down the ramp.

I recognized them! They were the three King Brothers from way over on the East side of the city. Three really rich guys who owned a marine parts and supply house. You know the one. That big building on the corner of Orient Drive and E. Star Street. I thought I’d better say something ‘cause I knew the kids were tired and a large number of visitors now would really be hard on them. “Good morning” I said “What brings you to this part of town at this hour?” One of the King brothers cleared his throat and said, “We heard there was a family here that needed some help and we want to do just that. Also we understand that a new baby was born to them”.

I pulled myself up tall and said, “Yes sir, they’re awfully tired now and I’m not sure we should bother them”. One of the other brothers spoke. “We have some gifts and some information that we think the father should know”

I invited the brothers to come on board my boat so we could talk about the young couple for a while. It seems that they knew something about the young couple from a time before. They had been waiting to hear about the birth for a long time. They’d even asked the mayor of the city to be on the look out for any word about a birth. They told me that they didn’t like the mayor very much and wanted to be discrete about finding the baby. I told them I did care for old Harold the Mayor either and that I would keep my mouth shut.

After a while they said they’d very much like to see the baby so I walked over to the young kid’s boat and quietly asked if they could stand a few more visitors. “Of course” came that sweet voice again.

The three King brothers gave the family some toys for the baby , A new handheld GPS and I think some money to the young man. They talked to the young woman and her husband for quite a few minutes. There was some whispering and a few loud words that I couldn’t understand. Then after a while, everyone hugged each other. It was one of the nicest things that had happened all night.

As the three old men left the boat and started up the ramp. I stopped them and asked, “Just how did you know how or where to find the young couple? “ They all smiled and one of them said, “Why, we could see the Light at the top of their mast. We kept looking for a light in a marina somewhere. It showed us the way.”...

Part One | Part Two | Part Three