Cascadia Burgee


How To Join (free)

Support is needed

Here's how you can help support the Cascadia Sailing Assn. Email list.

The Email group's membership numbers over 100
A contribution of..... $.00 to 5.00 or more.... will help pay this year's bill and likely go a long way to Next Year's.

Please NOTE: A contribution is NOT required to be a member of the Cascadia group nor is it necessary for the use of the Cascadia Email List. ANY level of support you feel that you are willing... AND.. able to give is wonderful. Thanks. But, please know, You are NOT required to do so..

CANADIAN Members: Please know, U.S. Banks don't often accept personal checks made out to Canadian Banks. International Money Orders are no problem.

** A record of donations will be retained.
** All Donations will be kept confidential, unless Payee requires disclosure.
** All donations will go into a savings account for the Cascadia email and website support.
** All interest earned will be retained for the same purposes.


Above all.....